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The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John is one of the most loved books of the Bible. John 3:16 is regarded by many as the most important verse in the Bible. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life".


This question "What must I do to have eternal life" is one of the most important questions you will ask. The Gospel of John reveals that Jesus is the long promised and long awaited Christ, the Messiah of Israel, God's Son and Savior of the world. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. And He promises eternal life to everyone who believes this claim.


In the Gospel of John you will see the importance of looking to Jesus alone for eternal life. God sent Jesus, His Son, to die on the Cross for our sins. When you believe in Him, you have eternal life and you can know that He will keep His promise never to lose you and that on the last day He will raise you up to live with Him forever.


We encourage you to read the Gospel of John and see if you have understood the message of Jesus.



If you have believed that Jesus is telling the truth when He claims to be the Son of God who gives eternal life to everyone who believes in Him, then you can claim this precious promise from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Regardless of how you feel or what people may say, you have eternal life. As your love for him draws you nearer to Him you will know the joy and fruitfulness a close personal relationship with your Savior brings.


If you would like us to send you a free copy of the booklet "Living Water - the Gospel of John", please click here or you can write to:


The Living Water Project P.O. Box 2 Glide, Oregon 97443 Fax: (541) 496-0304


You can email your request to Livingwater@livingwater.org. Please remember to provide a shipping address with your request.


The Living Water Project is a ministry of Absolutely Free Inc.



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Request More Copies to Share / Info for Christian Ministries

The Gospel of John is one of the most popular books of the Bible for evangelism. Why? Because this is the one book of the Bible written primarily to those who have not yet believed in Jesus Christ. While the rest of the Bible speaks mainly to those who know Christ, John has in mind those that do not know Him. As an eyewitness to the events of Jesus' life, John selects and presents the most convincing words and works of the One who claimed to be the Son of God to those who need eternal life: "And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name."

(John 20:30-31)


Absolutely Free, Inc., through our Living Water Project, has published the booklet "Living Water - The Gospel of John". It is a small shirt pocket sized booklet that is ideal for outreach projects. The notes are simple, concise, and designed to help the reader focus on the presentation of The Gospel of John. Since this booklet was first published in 1994 over ten million copies are now in print worldwide.


The “heart of our ministry,” is the free distribution of Living Water - The Gospel of John booklets to the tens of thousands of individuals who request free individual booklets or a free evangelism pack (10 booklets pack) over the internet, as well as, the thousands of requests for a free box of Living Water - The Gospel of John booklets (100 booklets in a box) for the evangelism efforts of individuals or small churches.” These booklets we trust to the Holy Spirit to bring individuals, who are seeking truth, to a personal faith in Jesus, our Savior. And, we trust that the Living Water booklet can be a tool that allows many who request these booklets to grow in their confidence in sharing their faith with family, friends, neighbors, and workmates. This is the heart of our ministry and our first priority for providing these Living Water - The Gospel of John booklets.


Please request Living Water, The Gospel of John, booklets as you need them. It is not our intent to sell these booklets. We do not take orders for these booklets and we do not charge for these booklets by sending an invoice. We send the Living Water - The Gospel of John booklets as we are able. The booklets are provided as a gift, when we have booklets available. We ship to your location in the U.S. by UPS Ground or by Common Truck Carrier. We are not presently shipping internationally.


The growing interest in using the "Living Water - The Gospel of John" in outreach ministries, these past few years, has been wonderful. We trust that your ministry will have the opportunity to use these booklets to bring many to know our Savior.


We would be pleased to provide the "Living Water - The Gospel of John" for your personal ministry. You can specify the free Personal Evangelism Pack (10 booklets)




on the "Request Free Booklet" form, or if your ministry would like to inquire about obtaining larger quantities you can write to:


The Living Water Project

P.O. Box 2

Glide, Oregon 97443



We must have your shipping address, otherwise we cannot consider your request.


You can email us with your request.


email: LivingWater@livingwater.org


We send larger quantities of booklets, only as we are able.  We will consider your (larger quantity) request based on the available booklets and resources. Regarding the availability of booklets for larger quantity requests, our first priority is to always be able to serve the heart of our ministry and then we consider what additional booklets may be available to serve larger quantity requests.


Donations; please only send donations as you are able and when it works best for you.  We are a small ministry with limited resources.  If you are able to provide a donation every $25.00 donated adds another 100 booklets to our next large quantity print run.  A larger donation of $2,500.00 would add 10,000 booklets to our next print run.  Your donation will help us have more Living Water, The Gospel of John, booklets available to serve the heart of our ministry and to serve more of the larger quantity request opportunities.  Donations may be sent to:


The Living Water Project

P.O. Box 2

Glide, Oregon 97443


Donations can be made by check, we are not presently set up to receive credit card donations.  Please note on your check “Donation” or “Donation to help print more booklets.” Your donation is greatly appreciated.


The Living Water booklet has been published in the following languages and Bible translations:


    English - Logos 21 Version

    Spanish - Reina-Valera 1960

    Dutch - ©TELOS-vertaling 1982




If you would like to sponsor a larger print run in one of the languages noted above please contact us.


We are a non-profit organization.